Variación sociopragmática en la enseñanza del español: aplicación didáctica de un cuestionario de hábitos sociales


This work presents the first results of the Nordic Test of Social Habits (COSOPRAG), a survey of sociopragmatic variation among Scandinavian students of Spanish. The focus is on the target language (Spanish) and the native language (Danish, Swedish), and the data are compared with those of a control group (Spanish students). Responses regarding communicative behavior in advice-giving and criticisms are analyzed, given the potential threat they represent to the interlocutors’ face. Data are classified according to pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic criteria, and are used as the basis for developing a proposal for teaching Spanish structured in four didactic units: explicit instruction by the teacher on pragmatics, role-play based on case studies, discussion of the survey results, and sociopragmatic analysis of real conversations.

TidsskriftJournal of Spanish Language Teaching
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)114-126
StatusUdgivet - 2016
