title = "The Tough and the Brittle: Calculating and Managing the Risk of Refugees",
keywords = "Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociologi, Velf{\ae}rdsforskning, Risiko, Flygtninge, Migrationsstyring, Velf{\ae}rdsstaten, Neoliberalisme, Foucault (Michel), Refugees, Risk, Welfare, Foucault (Michel)",
author = "Kohl, {Katrine Syppli}",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781137527301",
pages = "201--216",
editor = "Bengtsson, {Tea Torbenfeldt} and Morten Frederiksen and Larsen, {J{\o}rgen Elm}",
booktitle = "The Danish Welfare State",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
address = "United Kingdom",