The stable isotope and mineralogical studies of late-stage IHT carbonate minerals in Kärdla: The fluid source and origin of depleted carbon

E. Versh, K. Kirsimäe, J. Jõeleht, Bjørn Buchardt

TitelImpact craters as indicators for planetary environmental evolution and astrobiology : Östersund (Sweden), June 8-14, 2006. Abstract Volume and program
StatusUdgivet - 2006
BegivenhedThe stable isotope and mineralogical studies of late-stage IHT carbonate minerals in Kärdla -
Varighed: 29 nov. 2010 → …


KonferenceThe stable isotope and mineralogical studies of late-stage IHT carbonate minerals in Kärdla
Periode29/11/2010 → …
