title = "The rich woman from Himling{\o}je (grave 1949-2) at Zealand, Denmark – Who was she?: Val{\'e}ria Kulcs{\'a}r et al. (eds), “Vadr{\'o}zs{\'a}b{\'o}l t{\"u}nd{\'e}rs{\'i}pot csin{\'a}ltam” - Tanulm{\'a}nyok Istv{\'a}novits Eszter 60. sz{\"u}let{\'e}snapj{\'a}ra. ”To make a fairy´s whistle from a briar rose” – Studies presented to Eszter Iv{\'a}novits on her sixtieth birthday. ",
abstract = "Perleudstyret i den rige kvindegrav fra Himling{\o}je (grav 1949-2), beskrivelse og tolkning. ",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, gravfund, Romersk Jernalder, perler og perlemode, Himling{\o}je",
author = "Hansen, {Ulla Lund}",
year = "2018",
language = "English",
isbn = "978 615 5619 06 9",