Spanning boundaries: science-policy interaction in developing countries: the Zambian REDD+ process case

Kewin Bach Friis Kamelarczyk, Christian Gamborg

4 Citationer (Scopus)


The paper investigates science–policy interaction in forestry in developing countries. It uses the case of REDD+ in Zambia, and links theoretical considerations with practical strategies. Science–policy interaction in the case of REDD+ is analyzed through two theoretical frameworks: the Knowledge Transfer Model and the Transaction Model. Based on interviews and document analysis, the paper advances on how it is possible to improve evidence-based policy-making for the benefit of the environment in developing countries. It is found that re-thinking of science–policy interaction gives rise to new opportunities to strengthen the links between science and policy, and consideration is given to the question of what key strategies would best secure this linkage.
TidsskriftEnvironmental Development
Sider (fra-til)1-15
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2014


  • Ulande og miljø
  • Forskningskapacitetsopbygning i ulande
  • Politik, lov og forvaltning vedr. naturressourcer


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