title = "Small-world link structures across an academic web space: a library and information science approach",
keywords = "Informationsvidenskab, World Wide Web, Netv{\ae}rker, Webometri, Unders{\o}gelser",
author = "Lennart Bj{\"o}rneborn",
note = "xxxvi, 399 s., ill. Ph.d-afhandling, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, Institut for Informationsstudier ; Med litteraturhenvisninger og internetadresser ; Dansk resum{\'e} ; Paralleltitel: {"}Small-world{"} linkstrukturer p{\aa} tv{\ae}rs af en akademisk web",
year = "2004",
language = "English",
isbn = "87-7415-276-9",
publisher = "Department of Information Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science",