title = "Secondary metabolite and endochitinase dependent antagonism against plant pathogenic microfungi of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates from the sugarbeet rhizosphere",
author = "{Neiendam Nielsen}, M. and J. S{\o}rensen and J{\o}rgensen, {A. B.}",
year = "1998",
language = "English",
pages = "69",
editor = "B. Duffy and U. Rosenberger and G. D{\'e}fago",
booktitle = "IOBC/WPRS bulletin",
edition = "21",
note = "Molecular approaches in biological control, Del{\'e}mont, Switzerland, 1997 : workshop proceedings : IOBC/WPRS Working Group Biological Control of Fungal and Bacterial Plant Pathogens ; Conference date: 29-11-2010",