title = "Samfunnsvitenskap for helse- og sosialfagutdanningene",
abstract = "Today{\textquoteright}s health professional cooperates, manages, develops and carries out academic research in important parts of society. To be able to fill this role, the health practitioner should know the societal context in which he carries out his profession. The book introduces university students to central topics in social science; sociology, health and IT, international politics and economics. Through a number of examples, the book discusses the relation between practical and theoretical knowledge. Individual and group is defined in light of newer theories of identity. The entrepreneur{\textquoteright}s function in wealth creation is discussed. IT/IS in the health sector has the potential to improve organisational practices and free time for more central caring tasks. Big data provides an opportunity to provide more exact diagnostics and offer individual treatment plans. ",
keywords = "Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Group identity, Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Group identity, International Relations, economics, entrepreneurship, Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Health IT, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, nursing",
author = "Indahl, {Nils G.} and Oddvar F{\o}rland",
note = "Social science for the health professions",
year = "2017",
month = jul,
day = "1",
language = "Norsk",
isbn = "9788202524074",
publisher = "Cappelen Damm Akademisk",