title = "Performance of Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile seedlots in an international series of provenance trials",
keywords = "Former LIFE faculty, acacia nilotica seedlots international series provenance trials",
author = "Anders R{\ae}bild and Kj{\ae}r, {Erik Dahl} and Lars Graudal",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
isbn = "81-7233-424-9",
pages = "621--631",
editor = "Tewari, {V. P.} and Srivastava, {R. L.}",
booktitle = "Multipurpose trees in the tropics",
publisher = "Scientific Publishers",
note = "Multipurpose Trees in the Tropics - Management & Improvement strategies ; Conference date: 22-11-2004 Through 25-11-2004",