Molecular evolution and the natural history of select virus epidemics

Christian Anders Wathne Bruhn


Molecular evolution of pathogenic viruses with RNA based genomes is most often fast enough to leave an informative genomic sequence signal within a timeframe that is relevant for the study of both recent and on-­‐going epidemics (and epizootics). The true power of molecular evolutionary methodology in this context arises when this signal is combined with other categories of information in an analysis. This linkage can be either direct, in which case we are dealing with a particular branch of molecular epidemiology, or also include indirect linkage, in which case we are approaching something which could be termed a modern synthesis of infectious disease epidemiology. The present work can be seen as an advocate of moving towards such a completely integrative approach.
ForlagNatural History Museum of Denmark, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Antal sider153
StatusUdgivet - 2014
