title = "Medium-term Fluctuations and the 'Great Ratios' of Economic Growth",
abstract = "Evidence for the OECD countries show that the “great ratios”, such as the unemployment rate, factor shares, Tobin{\textquoteright}s q and the investment-capital ratio, fluctuate significantly on medium-term frequencies of 10-40 years duration. To explain these medium-term fluctuations, we establish a macro-dynamic model where the q-theory of investment is combined with sluggish real-wage adjustment in the labour market. In this framework, responses to shocks show persistence and amplification. A high degree of real-wage rigidity combined with a low elasticity of factor substitution leads to damped internal oscillations and hump-shaped impulse-response functions",
keywords = "Faculty of Social Sciences, Medium-term cycles, Tobin{\textquoteright}s q, real-wage Phillips curve, elasticity of factor substitution, endogenous oscillations",
author = "Christian Groth and Madsen, {Jakob Br{\o}chner}",
note = "JEL Classification: E3, G1, O4",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
series = "University of Copenhagen. Institute of Economics. Discussion Papers (Online)",
number = "16",
publisher = "{\O}konomisk institut, K{\o}benhavns Universitet",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "{\O}konomisk institut, K{\o}benhavns Universitet",