Introduktionsstillingen giver et godt grundlag for kvalificeret specialevalg

Gunver Lillevang, Kari Joensen Mikines, Helle Thy Østergaard, Peter Johan Heiberg Engel


The Danish introductory position is unique. It is placed between internship and the main part of specialist education. Workplace-based assessment according to central objectives is central. The purpose of the introductory position is twofold: the resident is introduced to the specialty - the specialty choice is thus based on a context-based personal experience, and the specialties can assess the potential and suitability of the resident. Also opportunities for career counselling are strengthened. In this way both choice of specialty and selection into the specialties is qualified.

TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - 24 feb. 2014
