title = "In defense of a metaphor: Reply to Shai Dothan{\textquoteright}s critique of applying the Swiss cheese model on deterrence and the International Criminal Court",
keywords = "Faculty of Law, Afskr{\ae}kkelse, Kriminalpr{\ae}vention, Den Internationale Straffedomstol, The Swiss Cheese Model, folkedrab, Forebyggelse, Punishment, Crime, Deterrence, Prevention, crime prevention, International Criminal Court, The ICC, The Swiss Cheese Model, Accident prevention, Mass atrocities, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes",
author = "Holtermann, {Jakob v. H.}",
year = "2020",
language = "English",
volume = "18/1",
journal = "Journal of International Criminal Justice",
issn = "1478-1387",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
number = "Special Issue on Deterrence and the ICC",