Challenging 'smart' in smart city strategies

Kjetil Sandvik, Jacob Knudsen


Smart city strategies concern the improvement of economic and political efficiency and the enabling of social, cultural and urban development (Hollands 2008) and covers a variety of fields from improving infrastructures, social and cultural development, resilience strategies (e.g. green energy), improving schools, social welfare institutions, public and private institutions etc. The 'smart' in smart city strategies implies that these efforts are accomplished by the introduction and embedding of smart media technology into the very fabric of society. This is often done in a top-down and technology-centric way (from city branding initiatives to the digitization of the public sector). This presentation will challenge this approach to smart city strategies by proposing that instead of a 'technology first' approach, we need to introduce the smart citizen in the center of smart city strategic planning and development. Focusing on processes of citizen participation and co-creation as the main driving force, we introduce a concept of 'smart city at eye level'. The introduction of new media technology and new media uses need to emerge from a profound understanding of the wants, needs and abilities of the citizens in the center of these new crossmedia settings and will have to be accomplished in collaboration with said citizens. This presentation will present some basic principles for ‘smart cities at eye level’ explained through case studies of digital media in daycare and new educational systems.
Antal sider25
StatusUdgivet - 2015
BegivenhedUsers Across Media - University of Copenhagen, Købehavn, Danmark
Varighed: 6 maj 20158 maj 2015


KonferenceUsers Across Media
LokationUniversity of Copenhagen


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