Automating the Port of Linux to the VirtualLogix Hypervisor using Semantic Patches

Francois Armand, Gilles Muller, Julia Laetitia Lawall, Jean Berniolles


Virtualization is a promising technology for running multiple operating
systems (OS's) on a single processor.  Preparing an OS for use with
virtualization, however, involves making some changes to the OS code, which
must be repeated for each version, whether a new release or a client
customization.  Typically such changes are expressed as patches, but
patches are often not portable from one version to another, and thus manual
adjustments are needed as well.  In this paper, we consider the use of the
automated transformation system Coccinelle to perform the changes required
to port several versions of Linux to the VLX hypervisor.  Coccinelle
provides a notion of semantic patches, which are more abstract than
standard patches, and thus are potentially applicable to a wider range of
OS versions.  We have applied this approach in the context of Linux
versions 2.6.13, 2.6.14, and 2.6.15, for the ARM architecture.

TitelERTS - Embedded Real Time Software 2008 : European Congress ERTS- Embedded Real Time Software, Toulouse, France, January 29 - February 1, 2008
Antal sider8
ForlagSIA - Societé des Ingenieurs de l'Auitomobole, 92158 Suresnes Cedex, France
StatusUdgivet - 2008
BegivenhedEuropean Congress ERTS -  Embedded Real-Time Software - Toulouse, Frankrig
Varighed: 30 jan. 20081 feb. 2008
Konferencens nummer: 4


KonferenceEuropean Congress ERTS -  Embedded Real-Time Software
NavnSIA, Recueils de Congrès


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