Anonymization of Court Orders

Bidragets oversatte titel: Anonymisering af Dommerkendelser

Claus Povlsen, Bart Jongejan, Dorte Haltrup Hansen, Bo Krantz Simonsen

2 Citationer (Scopus)


We describe an anonymization tool that was commissioned by and specified together with Schultz, a publishing company specialized in Danish law related publications. Unavailability of training data and the need to guarantee compliance with pre-existing anonymization guidelines forced us to implement a tool using manually crafted rules. We used Bracmat, a programming language that is specialized in transforming tree data structures, to meet the requirement to pass the XML structure of the input document unscathed through the whole workflow. The tool attains a reassuringly good recall, makes almost no chunk errors and reduces the found entity designators to a nearly correct set of entities that the input text refers to, minimizing the time needed for manual check and post-editing.
Bidragets oversatte titelAnonymisering af Dommerkendelser
Publikationsdato25 jul. 2016
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 25 jul. 2016
BegivenhedIberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies - Gran Canaria, Spanien
Varighed: 15 jun. 201618 jun. 2016
Konferencens nummer: 11


KonferenceIberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
LokationGran Canaria


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • consistent assignment
  • high recall rate
  • real life application
