title = "Affordance",
abstract = "This entry presents the concept of affordances as part of an ecological approach to understanding how agents interact with objects in their environment. It examines some of the central developments of the concept, from J. J. Gibson{\textquoteright}s original definition within psychology and Donald Norman{\textquoteright}s design-oriented elaborations, to newer applications in other fields like communications and media research and education. Key concepts and main topics of debate are presented.",
author = "Mogens Olesen",
year = "2016",
language = "Dansk",
isbn = "9781118290736",
volume = "1",
series = "Wiley-Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication Series",
pages = "38--46",
booktitle = "International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy",
publisher = "Wiley-Blackwell",
address = "Storbritannien",