Первые люди в Гренландии

Bidragets oversatte titel: First people in Greeпland

Jens Fog Jensen, U. Odgaard, Svend Visby Funder, Patrick Plumet


    The atlas-monograph presents a synthesis of the currently available data on the principal stages of the initial human penetration and colonization of the polar and subpolar regions - the process started as early as the Stone Age in Northern
    Eurasia and completed in the historical time with human settlement appearance in Greenland, Iceland and on islands in the AJctic Ocean. The atlas-monograph includes series of articles dealing with the early human dispersal in lhe context
    of regional environmental changes during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. It contains an assortment of data on paleogeography, anthropology, gene-geography and paleoctnology of tl1e ancient in.habitants of A.retie, which elucidate the regional differentiation of the north colonization. The concluding part of the Atlas-monograph presents the first integrated reconstrnctions of the routes and stages of the human colonization of the High Lalitudes.All the articles included in the atlas are based on the results of interdisciplinaiy studies performed on the key sites of Early Man, as well as on the climate and environment dynamics in the regions of the initial human colonization. For a wide circle of paleogeographers, archeologists, anthropologists, ethnographers, geologists, biologists and everybody who cares for remote past of the Life in the AJctic.
    Bidragets oversatte titelFirst people in Greeпland
    TitelПервоначальное заселение Арктики человеком в условиях меняющейся риродной среды : Атлас-моноrрафия
    RedaktørerV.M. Kotlyakov, A.A. Velichko, S.A. Vasil'ev
    Antal sider30
    ForlagRussian Academy of Sciences
    ISBN (Trykt)978-5-89118-685-9
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
