Personlig profil
Kort præsentation
Currently, Wojciech pursues his Ph.D. degree in joint industry-academic collaboration between SimCorp A/S – largest Danish FinTech company and leading provider of investment management software solutions for the world's leading financial organizations and Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH). The project is supported by a scholarship from Innovation Fund Denmark (Innovationsfonden), which invests in new knowledge and technology creating growth and employment in Denmark.
During the period of the project, Wojciech is employed as Senior Research Engineer in SimCorp Technology Labs, an internal strategic innovation unit focused on deriving business value from new technology and enterprise architecture research.
Wojciech holds two Master degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, among them one from Technical University of Denmark.
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Aktuel forskning
In his industrial FinTech Ph.D. research project entitled "Accelerated Financial Algorithms", Wojciech utilizes high-performance computing (HPC) techniques and modern many-core architectures such as high-throughput Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to target acceleration of large financial computational workloads for risk management and pricing of financial derivative instruments. The objective is to produce new state-of-the-art software prototypes that demonstrate the potential for performance acceleration in SimCorp Dimension, the main product offered by SimCorp A/S, to increase the value of the services that are provided to large financial clients worldwide.
At Programming Languages and Thoery of Computing Section (PLTC) of Department of Computer Science (DIKU), Wojciech is currently involved in implementing high-performance applications using the Futhark programming language, a statically typed, data-parallel, and purely functional array language. This will lead to further development of the language and its compiler, as the technologies are an ongoing research project. In his work, Wojciech is investigating algorithmic optimizations, that allow for extracting more parallelism, e.g. flattening techniques for nested parallelism.
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Primære forskningsområder
Regarding his academic interests, Wojciech focuses mainly on disciplines of high-performance scientific computing, parallel programming models, and advanced computer architecture. So far, Wojciech has applied his interests to fields of computational finance (mainly risk management and derivative pricing), computational fluid dynamics, machine learning and pattern recognition.
High-Performance Computing, Parallel Programming Models, Advanced Computer Architecture
Computational Finance, Derivative Pricing, Risk Management
Numerical Methods, Machine Learning
Polish (mother tongue), English, Danish, German
Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål
I 2015 blev FN-landende enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:
Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)
Software design for portable and scalable scientific calculations on modern and emerging heterogeneous many-core architectures, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
2011 → 2014
Eksterne ansættelser
SimCorp A/S (Biz)
1 feb. 2017 → …
- Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
- Datalogisk Institut (DIKU)