Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Design og implementering af velfærdsteknologier til ældre

Marie’s forskning befinder sig I krydsfeltet mellem Science and Technology Studies (STS), design research og aldringsstudier, og fokuserer på design og implementering af velfærdsteknologier til ældre mennesker. Baseret på etnografiske og kvalitative metoder undersøger projektet den gensidige konstruktion af velfærdsteknologier, ældre brugere, og hverdagspraksisser. Mere specifikt undersøges idéer, visioner for og forventninger til velfærdsteknologisk innovation indenfor ældrepleje, samt de sociale og materielle effekter af disse tekno-politiske initiativer når de udrulles i praksis. Feltarbejdet udføres i Center for Sund Aldrings samarbejdskommuner.


  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Innovations studier
  • Etnografisk metode
  • Aldringsstudier


Aktuel forskning

Implementering af velfærdsteknologier til ældre borgere i København, Ishøj, og Vordingborg kommune


Academic research profile

I have done interdisciplinary research in the intersections between Social Science, Science and Technology Studies, Anthropology, and Interaction design. My research interests center around the design, implementation and use of Welfare Technologies, and their relations with and effect for the intended elderly users. Moreover, I am interested in Public Private innovation practices, and how ‘partnerships’, ‘users’, and ‘healthy ageing’ are imagined and done within these frameworks for design and innovation in healthcare and eldercare. My research skills include ethnographic fieldwork and qualitative methods (Interviews and focus groups among others).


Employment History

• 20011 – 2014 PhD Student in the Interaction design group ( and the Technologies in Practice group ( at the IT University of Copenhagen. Participation in the Innovation Project Lev Vel (
Focus; Ethnographic studies of Welfare Technology within a Public Private Innovation Project. The dissertation explores the design of Welfare Technologies for elderly people within the project Lev Vel, and their relations with the intended elderly users.

• 2010 Scientific assistant at the IT University of Copenhagen
Focus; Research participation in the Innovation Project Lev Vel. Activities include planning, coordination, execution and documentation of project workshops, and planning the ITU’s participation in project activities. Academic Degrees

• 2015 PhD dissertation ‘Infrastructuring Design – an ethnography of Welfare Technology within Public Private Innovation’. Supervised by Brit R. Winthereik (IT University of Copenhagen), Lone Malmorg (IT University of Copenhagen), and Helen Verran (University of Melbourne, Australia),

• 2010 MA in Science and Information Technology, IT University of Copenhagen • 2006 BA of Arts; Communication and Psychology, Roskilde University Research Activities and projects (selected)


Participation in Research Projects

• 2015- : Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA), Research in Center for Healthy Aging.

• 2010-2012: Project LevVel, Participating as PhD student in the project LevVel (; a public-private and user driven innovation project funded by the Capital Region of Denmark and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and higher education. The aim was to develop Welfare Technologies and services for ‘active’ elderly citizens.

• 2010: Project SeniorInteraction, Participating as Master student in the project SeniorInteraktion (; a public-private and user driven innovation project funded by the Danish Business Authority, aimed at the development of Welfare Technologies for elderly citizens.




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  • 6 Lignende profiler