Personlig profil
Kort præsentation
I am interested in how embryonic stem cells (ESCs) maintain pluripotency through an indefinite number of cell divisions, a process known as self-renewal. Pluripotency is supported intrinsically by a core of transcription factors, with Oct4 being one of the best characterized. Importantly, dynamic endogenous levels of Oct4 maintains ESC pluripotency but genetic over-expression promotes differentiation. By applying proteomic approaches to ESCs harboring post-translational Oct4 reporters, I hope to decipher the role Oct4 plays in deciding if a division will be self-renewing or differentiation promoting.
Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)
Dissecting the Functions of Desmosomal Cadherins in Cell-Cell Adhesion and Tissue Maintenance, Stanford University School of Medicine
Dimissionsdato: 26 sep. 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dimissionsdato: 18 maj 2008
Eksterne ansættelser
King's College London
jul. 2014 → dec. 2016
- Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet