Billede af Mette Vestergaard Nielsen

Mette Vestergaard Nielsen

Cand. med. vet.


Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My Ph.D. project is entitled ‘A new model to estimate the feed intake of sheep and sucker cows’.

Currently a feed intake model for sheep housed under Scandinavian conditions and given Scandinavian type forage is not available.

In my project the main goal is to make a simple and biological transparent model of feed intake in sheep and lambs, and to a minor extend on suckler cows and bull-calves.

I have been attending a mathematics course (Advanced Mathematics for biology), a statistics course (Applied Statistics for Researchers and Developers) and a modeling course (Mathematical Modeling in Biological Sciences). A long side these courses I have been doing a literature study, and worked with data from pregnant and lactating sheep, but have so far not fitted any useful models to this data.


I am a certified veterinarian from KU-LIFE, where I graduated in February 2010, after graduating I worked as a Clinical veterinarian in Northern Jutland for 1 ½ year. Before I started my Ph.D. program at KU-SUND in June 2012, I was an official veterinarian for the Veterinary Task Force Unit in The Food and Agricultural Ministry of Denmark working primarily with animal welfare. 


  • Foderteknologi
  • Modellering af foderoptag


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