Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
Ph.d., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1974; Fil. Dr. Lunds Universitet 1978
Publikationer pr. år
Fil. kand. (Lund University 1967); MA (University of California, Santa Barbara 1970), ;Ph. D, sociology (University of California, Santa Barbara 1974); Fil. Dr. (Lund University, Sweden 1978); Docent, Lund University 1985.
ACLS-fellow, Harvard University, Philosophy 1979 - 1980; Visiting Fellow, Berkeley, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Summer 1992, Summer 1993; Various shorter stipends visits to Germany, France and England.
Professor in the Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University since January 1994.
Professor II (adj. professor) Centre for the Study of Science and Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway (2006 - 2007).
Previous positions include: Lecturer in Sociology at Lund University, Sweden (1986 - 1994), Research Fellow at the Research Council for the Study of Higher Education and Universities, Ministry of Education, Sweden (1989-1994); Visiting Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam 1989(October - December);Assistant lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara (1973-1974); Associate lecturer, Department of Sociology, City University of New York, Brooklyn College 1971 - 1973.
Professional duties (more recent):
Member of Social Science Research Council (SSF), Denmark 1992 - 1995; Member of EU Program Committee concerning socio-economic research in the 4th Framework, Ministry of Research, Denmark; Member of Program Committee (Europe and Global Processes) Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research) Member of Advisory Group for Social Science, Science Research Council, Sweden; Member of Executive Board, European Sociological Association 1978 - 2003; Vice-President, Research Network Coordination, European Sociological Association 2001 - 2003; Member of the Board (vice-chairman) Institute of Social Research (SFI), Denmark 2001 - 2008; Member of several ad hoc and steering committees and panels in Scandinavia: most recent, member of evaluation panel of The Bank of Sweden, Tercentenary Foundation (2002 - 2004). Several ad hoc committees at the University of Copenhagen (European Studies, BioCampus); 2007 (Jan.) - 2009 (Dec.) Appointed as Member to the Academic Advisory Board of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Study. Appointed as panel evaluation member (SH2), European Research Council, 2008 - 2015. Member of Møbius committee, The Award for Outstanding Research, The Research Council of Norway (2014-2016).
Editorial work:
(Co)Editor, Acta Sociologica, The Journal of the Nordic Sociological Association. Sage Publications, 2003- 2006;
Associate Editor, Journal of European Social Theory, Sage Publications, London (1998-2007); Member of the International Editorial Board, 2007 --
Consulting Editor, Journal of the History of Sociology, Sage Publications (since 1999)
Member of the Editorial Council, Sociologisk Årbog, University of Oslo (since 2001)
Member of the International Board of Sociological Theory (American Sociological Association) 2006 -2008
Member of the Editorial Board, Comparative Sociology, Brills, Leiden,The Netherlands (from 2008)
Member of the Editorial Board, Social Forces, Oxford University Press, USA (2014-2017).
Research Interest:
Social theory and philosophy, sociology of science and knowledge, legal profession and socio-legal studies. Coordinator of a research project sponsored by the Danish Social Science Research Council (Professional power and professional organization) 1997 - 2002); Coordinator of NOS_S research program concerning the social landscape and bio-technological research, COMPASS (2001 - 2005); Member of STAGE: EU - network concerning governing of science and technology in Europe 2000 - 2004); Member of Muscipoli: EU-network concerning the management of uncertainty in science policy (1999 - 2003): Member of EU-network on Technolife: a Transdisicplinary approach to the emerging challenges of novel technolifes: Lifeworld and imaginaries in forsight and ethics. (2010 - 2011) Member of Nordic Pragmatist Network 2010 -
Teaching (more recent)
Classical and modern sociology, social theory, theory and methods in sociology, pragmatism and social theory, knowledge society, science and society, law power and social change
Graduate advisor, Ph. D. committees, evaluation committees
I have been directing a great number of ph.d. dissertations, previously at Lund University and now at Copenhagen University. I am regularly serving as a member of ph.d. committees all over Scandinavia. The same applies to evaluation committees of academic positions.
Recent community activities within the field of research and teaching:
Coordinator of a semi-panel The Bio-sciences, Ethics, and Society, Murcia, Spain, Sept. 2003, European Sociological Association Conference.
Participation in several Scandinavian, especially Danish seminars, on The Societal Challenge of the Bio-Sciences
Editor - Special issue Acta Sociologica2005:3 on Science, Expertise and Democracy
Member of a semi-plenary session on Science and Society, International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm July 5 - 9, 2005. (Presentation: ‘Private Virtues, Public Vices, Reflections on the Knowledge Economy) - see link
Invited as a speaker to the Essen Conference on Knowledge and Freedom, April 10 - 12, 2006 (Presentation: "Two Concepts of Freedom and their Implications for the Question of Knowledge").
"Prosperous Capitalism and Benign States: The Nordic Welfare State Revisited" (with Hjorth-Andersen) ISA-presentation, Durban 2006
Coordinating Ph.D workshop On the Logic of Social Inquiry: Towards a Renewal of Explanatory Efforts at Bergen University, Sept. 26 - 28, 2007,
Invited as a plenary speaker to Tromsø University (August 2007) in a ph.d. workshop on "abduction and social science".
Invited as speaker to Framtid og fortid for kritisk samfunnsforskning i Norden, Konferanse, Oslo Universitet, 9. nov. 2007.
Invited as key panel speaker to Skjervheim seminar (Den nye kapitalisme og kulturen), September 12 - 14th, 2008.
'Science Studies Meet Climate Change' - International Workshop in Copenhagen - co-coordination with Anders Blok, Ph.D.
Coordinator, International Workshop, Copenhagen 9 - 10 September launching Technolife:a Transdisicplinary approach to the emerging challenges of novel technolifes: Lifeworld and imaginaries in forsight and ethics (2010 - 2011)
Scandinavian Critical Theory Network: Paper (with P. Fallesen) on 'Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose - Or Clawing at the Edges of the Social'. Presentation, Roskilde Unviersity, Nov. 2009.
'On the practical-material turn in the social sciences'. Lecture-serie on what is New in the Social Sciences, Copenhagen University, December 2009.'
On continuities and ruptures - on the many forms of pragmatism today', Presentation, Nordic Pragmatist Conference. Uppsala 1-2 June, 2010
Semi-plenary, Nordic Sociological Association Conference, Oslo 2011 - On Nordic Sociology
Plenary Speaker, 5th Conference of European Studies of symbolic Interactionism, Aalborg University, August 27th-29th, 2014. (Peirce, Mead, and Symbolic Interactionism).
I have just finished a contribution to a volume on Nordic Pragmatism on "Why's, How's, and What's - why What's Matter" which is soon to appear in press. In turning to some very basic questions common to inquiries across the sciences, I have a chance to actualize Peirce's logic of inquiry and pragmatist concerns to some present issues in social theory and social inquiry. I plan to expand this text into a broader essay.
I have also been engaged as a faculty opponent on a recent ph.d. disseration at Oslo University dealing with approaches to the sociology of law, and an attempt to re-actualize the classic German tradition to the sociology of law from Weber to Habermas/Luhmann. A review text is in press and will soon appear in the Nordic Journal Retfærd.
sociology of knowledge and of science, general social theory, philosophy of social science, sociology of law
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Bertilsson, M. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyper › Andet (priser, ekstern undervisning samt andet). - Gæsteophold ved andre institutioner
Bertilsson, M. (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typer › Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg
Bertilsson, M. (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typer › Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg
Bertilsson, M. (Formand)
Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typer › Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg
Bertilsson, M. (Medlem)
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Bertilsson, M. (Foredragsholder)
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Bertilsson, M. (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typer › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn
Bertilsson, M. (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typer › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn