Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Lars Gårn Hansen, born March,1959, focuses his research on the theory of regulation, compliance and enforcement. His main interest is environmental, resource and consumer regulation, but other areas such as consumer behavior regarding environmental and health implications (food and electricity) are covered as well. Basic research with applications to the aforementioned is also carried out within cooperation, norms and behavioral and experimental economics. He is currently one of the chairmen of the economic councils that advise the government on economic and environmental economic issues.


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Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landende enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 12 - Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion


Dyk ned i forskningsemnerne, hvor Lars Gårn Hansen er aktive. Disse emneetiketter kommer fra dennes persons arbejder. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.
  • 6 Lignende profiler