Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My research focuses on three main issues: The formation of political identities, the production of political authority and territory, and emerging forms of governance in conflict settings. Specifically, I focus on the intersection between the formation of ethnic identities and processes of territorialisation and on emerging forms of rebel and land governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

I am part of the ERC research programme “Rule and Rupture: State formation through the local production of property and citizenship” and the “Conflict Research Programme”. Through these programmes, I conduct research on the nexus between land governance, property rights, and land conflicts in urban areas, the social and economic effects of roadblocks, and the effects of donor interventions in land conflicts in rural areas, all in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landende enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Eksterne ansættelser


Dyk ned i forskningsemnerne, hvor Kasper Hoffmann er aktive. Disse emneetiketter kommer fra dennes persons arbejder. Sammen danner de et unikt fingerprint.
  • 6 Lignende profiler