Teoretisk fysik
Ultrakolde atomare gasser
Christopher Pethick
Date of birth: 22 February, 1942.
Citizenship: U. K.
Education: B. A., Oxford University, 1962. M. A. and D. Phil, Oxford
University, 1965.
Present position:
Professor of Physics, Nordita (since 1975).
Previous Positions:
Research Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1965-1970.
Research Associate, University of Illinois, 1966-1968.
Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, 1968-1969.
Associate Professor, University of Illinois, 1970-1973.
Visiting Professor, Nordita, 1970 and 1974.
Professor of Physics, University of Illinois, 1973-1995.
Director, Nordita, 1989-1995.
Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois, 1995-1998.
Visiting Positions:
Visiting researcher at the L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Moscow, 1973-1974.
Visiting scientist at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, 1995.
Membership of Boards (partial list):
Member of the Board of the European Institute for Theoretical Studies in
Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento, 1992-1997.
Associate Editor, Reviews of Modern Physics, 1996-1999.
Member of the National Advisory Committee for the Institute for Nuclear Theory,
Seattle, USA, 1997-1999.
Member of Editorial Board, Physical Review A, 2004-present.
Membership of Organizing Committees (most recent):
Programme on ``Quantum Gases" at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Physics, Santa Barbara, Spring 2004.
International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC 2004,
Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 June - 2 July 2004.
Workshop on neutron stars, ECT*, Trento, Italy, September 2005.
Workshop on ``Strongly correlated Fermi gases", Copenhagen, June 2006.
Workshop on ``The interface between quark-gluon plasma physics and
cold-atom physics", ECT*, Trento, March 2007.
Workshop on ``Ultracold Atoms and Quark-Gluon Plasmas", NBIA and Nordita, Copenhagen, 16 June - 4 July 2008.
Doctoral Training Programme on ``Strongly correlated quantum systems", ECT*, Trento, 29 March - 19 June 2009.
CompSchool 2009: Summer School on ``Stellar Collapse, Compact Objects, Supernovae, and Gamma-Ray Bursts", Copenhagen, 17-21 August 2009.
Workshop on ``Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics, mboxMICRA2009", Copenhagen, 24-28 August 2009.
Honors and Awards;
A. P. Sloan Fellow, 1970-1972.
Foreign Member, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1977.
Foreign Member, Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, 2003.
Fellow, American Physical Society.
Lars Onsager Prize of the American Physical Society, 2008.
Research interests:
Theoretical physics, especially many-body problems in physics and
astrophysics. Current research centres on Bose-Einstein condensation
and the properties of dilute atomic systems, as well as neutrino processes in dense matter.
Ultrakolde atomare gasser
Kompakte stjerner
Publikationer findes her: http://www.nbi.dk/~pethick/publications.html
Ultrakolde Fermi gasser.
Neutrinoer i tæt stof.
Tilstandligning af tæt stof og neutronstjerner.