Plots v1.38.9 Diff since v1.38.8 Closed issues: PGFPlotsX bug in Polar plot with argument fill[BUG] (#3266) [FR] rotated ticklabels should be aligned with tickmarks (#4388) [BUG] plot_title with non-white background looks bad (#4595) [BUG] background_color_inside as default color affects plot_title background (#4610) [BUG] Blank plot on W11 with GR backend (#4688) [BUG] Hiding axes with PGFPlotsX leaves ticks visible (#4696) UnitfulExt not working for logarithmic units (#4700) Change thickness without changing colors [BUG] (#4706) [BUG] setting of markersize and markerstrokewidth damage marker in legend (#4710) [BUG] failed add Plots package in julia v1.8.2 (#4712) Merged pull requests: Add supported arguments to backend.jl (#4690) (@nilsLue) set color inside matching background color (#4698) (@BeastyBlacksmith) Hide ticks of hidden axis in PGFPlotsX (#4701) (@ivan-boikov) Rotated tick label alignment in PGFPlotsX (#4702) (@ivan-boikov) Missing angle conversions in PGFPlotsX (#4703) (@ivan-boikov) Support removing colorbar ticks in GR and PGFPlotsX (#4704) (@ivan-boikov) Fix logarithmic units (#4707) (@gustaphe) scale marker inside legend (#4711) (@KlausC) [GR] add 0.72 compat (#4714) (@jheinen)
Dato for tilgængelighed | 2023 |
Forlag | Zenodo |