Low mass planet migration in three dimensional wind-driven inviscid discs: A negative corotation torque - Animations

  • Colin P. McNally (Queen Mary University of London) (Ophavsmand)
  • Richard P. Nelson (Ophavsmand)
  • Sijme-Jan Paardekooper (Ophavsmand)
  • Pablo Benítez-Llambay (Ophavsmand)
  • Oliver Gressel (Ophavsmand)

Data set


Animations accompanying the paper "Low mass planet migration in three dimensional wind-driven inviscid discs: A negative corotation torque". Each file corresponds to a panel of Figures 3 and 4. All videos are at a frame rate 10 frames per second with one orbit per frame. Note these animations use a fixed colour scale, while the figures in the paper use colour scales tuned for the panels shown. The prefix of the filenames matches the title for the corresponding sub-panel of the figures in the paper, and the model code given in Table 1 of the paper which describes the details of each model. The video files correspond to the sub-panels of the figures in the paper as given below: Figure 3 2AMS_logV_10fps.mp4 2AMD_logV_10fps.mp4 2AFS_logV_10fps.mp4 Figure 4 3AMS_logV_10fps.mp4 3WMS_logV_10fps.mp4 3AFS_logV_10fps.mp4
Dato for tilgængelighed2020
