FIGURE 1. Chamaecrista sempreviva. A. Habit; B. Detail of leaflet (abaxial surface); C. Detail of leaflet (adaxial surface); D. Apex of leaflet showing long mucro; E. Detail of rachis showing single trichome; F. Detail of pedicel showing trichomes; G. Bract; H. Calyx opened out (outer surface); I. Petals: Median petal, the upper lateral petals, and lower lateral petals; J. Androecium with anthers much longer than the filaments; K. Gynoecium; L. Pod; M. Seed. (all from A.P. Fortuna-Perez et al., 1594). Illustrated by Jesiani Rigon.
Dato for tilgængelighed | 2022 |
Forlag | Zenodo |