Additional supporting information includes data, R script, and QGIS file supporting the main text: CSV (Data Set) residual_abyssal_peridotites.csv: Compilations of residual abyssal peridotites (n = 1162) and depleted MORB-mantle (n = 1) residual_abyssal_peridotites_coda_results.csv: Filtered data and results of PCA and k-means clustering (n = 267) model_cpx.csv: Clinopyroxene compositions obtained by open-system melting model test.csv: csv file for testing new data R abyssal_cpx_pca.Rproj coda.R: R script implemented in this study test_your_data.R: R script to test new data comparing to abyssal clinopyroxenes and modeled clinopyroxenes QGIS residual_abyssal_peridotites.qgz: QGIS using residual_abyssal_peridotites.csv and residual_abyssal_peridotites_coda_results.csv for Figure 1 and Figure S7 color_etopo1_ice_low_modified.tiff: ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface that integrates land topography and ocean bathymetry from NOAA 2. Instruction We prepared an R script to compare new (your) clinopyroxene data with clinopyroxene from abyssal peridotites. New data will be plotted using the principal components derived from the natural clinopyroxene database presented in this paper. The procedure is as follows: 1. add data below the second row in test.csv * Do not change the file name * Do not change the first row * Add clinopyroxene data (10 elements) and its label replacing under 2nd row * Label of data can be sample name, lithology, locality etc. 2. Open abyssal_cpx_pca.Rproj by R studio (double click) 3. Open test_your_data.R (double click) 4. Implement test_your_data.R. To use test_your_data.R, first press cmd+A (ctrl+A) and press Run/cmd+enter (ctrl+enter). 5. Results files 5-1. abyssalcpx_vs_test.csv: PC1&PC2 values using abyssal clinopyroxene PC coordinates 5-2. plot1.pdf: abyssal clinopyroxene (cluster) vs. test data plot 5-3. plot2.pdf: modeled clinopyroxene vs. test data plot 5-4. spider_cl1.pdf: PM-normalized trace elements patterns of cluster 1 from abyssal peridotites 5-5. spider_cl2.pdf: PM-normalized trace elements patterns of cluster 2 from abyssal peridotites 5-6. spider_cl3.pdf: PM-normalized trace elements patterns of cluster 3 from abyssal peridotites 5-7. spider_cl4.pdf: PM-normalized trace elements patterns of cluster 4 from abyssal peridotites 5-8. spider_test.pdf: PM-normalized trace elements patterns of new data (your data) 5-9. plot3.pdf: Discrimination diagram for clinopyroxene trace elements compositions. PM normalized Sr/Nd ratio vs. Ce/Yb ratio of clinopyroxenes from abyssal peridotites vs. test data
Dato for tilgængelighed | 2022 |
Forlag | Zenodo |