What kind of power is the EU in international affairs?

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The conference on New Developments in the Study of EU External Action (EU EA) provides an opportunity for reflection on both the gradual development of policies and the growth of the field of study of EU EAs. This keynote speech is divided into four parts addressing the major concerns of the conference in terms of (1) developments in the field and debates on EU EAs; (2) developments in normative theory of EU EA; (3) developments in explanatory theory and conceptualisations of EU EA; and (4) developments in practical theory and empirical results of EU EA policy. Each of these sections will provide a broad overview of the field and reflect on the Normative Power Approach (NPA) to the study of EU EAs.
Periode5 okt. 2018
Sted for afholdelseCollege of Europe, Bruges, Belgien
Grad af anerkendelseInternational