US decisions in Sequenom Inc v Ariosa Diagnostics Inc- What now?: University of Cambridge (UK)

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Recent US Supreme Court's decisions focused widespread attention on the formulation of patent-eligibility exclusions for specific biological material and diagnostic methods. The debate recently intensified with the CAFC's Ariosa v. Sequenom decision and the denial of the US Supreme Court to hear the case. The rejected claims at issue were directed to methods of genetic testing by detecting and amplifying paternally inherited fetal cell-free DNA from maternal blood and plasma. Professor Minssen’s presentation will discuss the context, outcome and the broader Implications of these seminal decisions for biomedical innovation in the US and Europe. Further information about the event is available at: .
Periode6 sep. 2016
Begivenhedstitel“The Future of Genomic Medicine Patents in Europe and the US”
PlaceringCambridge , StorbritannienVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational