The Historiography of Philosophy, 1800-1950. International conference organized by Leo Catana and Mogens Lærke (ENS, de Lyon) in collaboration with Michael Beaney (British Society for the History of Philosopy) and Institut d’Historie des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités, ENS de Lyon). To be held on September 27-28, 2018, in Copenhagen.

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


The Historiography of Philosophy, 1800-1950. International conference organized by Leo Catana and Mogens Lærke (ENS, de Lyon) in collaboration with Michael Beaney (British Society for the History of Philosopy) and Institut d’Historie des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités, ENS de Lyon). To be held on September 27-28, 2018, in Copenhagen.
Periode27 sep. 201828 sep. 2018
PlaceringCopenhagen, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational