Narrative Inquiry

  • Karen Marie Sø Leth-Nissen (Deltager)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


This PhD course is aimed at introducing participants to the use of Narrative Inquiry as a research approach and the methods used within it. This has relevance and been used across a wide range of disciplines in both the Humanities and Social Sciences, including within cultural studies, education, theology, anthropology, social medicine, psychotherapy, and so on. The course, which will be run partly in a participative workshop-style, and includes the application of the methodology through requiring the production of a short narrative text for feedback. An additional benefit of the course is strengthening English writing skills.
Periode15 sep. 201616 sep. 2016
PlaceringCopenhagen, DanmarkVis på kort