Leder af Cemes for Young Scholars (CYS) (Ekstern organisation)

    Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typerMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk


    CYS is dedicated to developing interdisciplinary contacts on a national, regional and international scale, within the field of modern European studies. CYS is a network and also a research group with the objective for young scholars to benefit from the interdisciplinary and international exchange of different approaches to the fundamental categories that underpin European studies. CYS invites PhD Scholars, Postdoctorals, Assistant Professors and others in the phase of developing a field of research to participate in extending the network on an individual level, and also on the level of networking with other centres and research groups occupied with modern European studies.
    Navn: Principle project manager

    Body type: Netværk
    Periode1 sep. 2008 → …
    Sted for afholdelseLeder af Cemes for Young Scholars (CYS)
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational