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Abstract: The standard interpretation of the Udby/Skovgårde rosette clasp inscription lamo talgida as lamō talgidē ‘Lamō carved (this)’ poses at least two potential problems, viz. the aberrant form of the weak preterite 3.sg. ending -dē and, maybe less importantly, the proposed reading direction. In my presentation, I will contend that we might consider the alternative interpretation talgida lamō ‘carved by Lamaz’ which, though creating new but by no means insurmountable problems to our understanding of the Proto-Norse linguistic system, will both fit the expected reading direction better and render unnecessary the unwelcome assumption of an otherwise unattested variant -da of the weak preterite 3.sg. ending. Moreover, this interpretation will, if correct, introduce a new case to the Proto-Norse inflectional system: the ablative.
14 mar. 2017
Runic Inscriptions and the Early History of the Germanic Languages