Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


Recitative and modernity in Copenhagen, c. 1724-1842 The idea that sung dialogue (recitative) might be accepted as a meaningful theatrical convention in Copenhagen, was generally a rather controversial one during the 18th and (early-mid) 19th century. The controversial qualities of recitative had much to do with its status and presence within local life as a foreign, imported element. Referring to three moments in the history of this ‘problem’ (1. the comic representations of German opera and recitative in J.L. Holberg’s Kilderejsen (1724); 2. the departure from the opéra comique/Singspiel tradition in Jens Baggesen and F.L.Ae Kunzen’s opera Holger Danske (1789); and 3. the Danish versions (with and without spoken dialogue) of E. Scribe and G. Meyerbeer’s Robert le diable (1831) (in Danish: Robert af Normandiet (1833 and later))), I will consider how the ’foreign’ convention of recitative was construed as problematic in various ways during the period considered here, how it related to different international (Italian/German/French) impulses, or, different processes of cultural transfer, and how these variations and changes over time may be said to reflect more general processes of societal change during the period.
Periode18 sep. 2014
PlaceringGreifswald, TysklandVis på kort