International Society for Subterranean Biology (Ekstern organisation)

    Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typerMedlemskab af styrelse i virksomhed eller organisation


    SIBIOS—ISSB is a scientific association whose objectives are:• to promote scientific research in biology and ecology of subterranean systems.• to contribute to education and spreading of scientific knowledge related to karst ecosystems, intersitial habitats and MSS.• to contribute to conservation and management of subterranean habitatsand their biodiversity.• to describe and give interpretation to the most specific characteristicsof all subterranean ecosystems in: Zoology & Systematics; Hydrobiology; Ecology; Conservation & Environment monitoring; Phylogeny and Evolution.
    The founding act was on the 3rd of January 1979 under the name Société de Biospéologie, as one of the most representative French Scientific Societies concerned by karst areas, caves and subterranean habitats. Evolution towards an European, then an International Scientific Society during 1980-2000.

    Vice-President of the International Society for Subterranean Biology

    Body type: International Society for Subterranean Biology
    Periode2014 → …
    Sted for afholdelseInternational Society for Subterranean Biology
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational