Guest Lecture: Patrick T. Jackson

  • Trine Villumsen Berling (Arrangør)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


    For decades, IR scholars have labored under a delusion: that there is One True Scientific Method, and that strict adherence to that method will guarantee the scientific status of their empirical researches and pronouncements. Even a cursory examination of the literature in the philosophy of science shows us that this is simply not the case -- and yet the cultural valence of the notion of "science" remains, making it imperative that the field have some kind of answer to "the science question." Patrick Thaddeus Jackson presents a pluralistic solution, one that acknowledges the existence of significant differences between philosophical ontologies (ways of thinking about the mid-world hook-up) and the methodological perspectives to which they give rise, but organizes that diversity so as to promote internal consistency, public discussion, and worldly insight as the hallmark of a scientific study of world politics.
    Periode27 maj 2011
    PlaceringKøbenhavn, DanmarkVis på kort