Churches, culture and economics

  • Karen Marie Sø Leth-Nissen (Deltager)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


Workshop profile: Bringing together knowledge of churches, cultural heritage and valuation studies. Old church buildings make up a substantial part of the cultural heritage in Europe. So far religious organizations, including established (state) churches, have financed the maintenance of the old church buildings and had the usufruct or ownership from the buildings. There seem to be an overcapacity of church buildings, which calls for new models of governance, usage and finance of the redundant church buildings. The overall purpose of the proposed two-day workshop on Church Buildings, Culture and Economics is twofold. We want to deepen our understanding of an important part of our ongoing project “What money can’t buy” where we study what is happening to the Danish National Church as a paradigmatic not only Danish, but also Nordic and European example in the current process of marketization of cultural institutions. Secondly we want to contribute with a Danish and Nordic dimension in an upcoming EU-application by Professor Linda Woodhead, University of Lancaster, on the destinies of old church buildings in Europe. The workshop will have an interdisciplinary approach with a special focus on the use of methods from economic valuation applied to culture and cultural heritage. Tentative program Day 1. Cultural Heritage & Economic valuation The first day will centre on the topics of Cultural Heritage & Economic valuation. First section: Introduction & setting the stage We are setting the stage by defining cultural heritage, economic instruments for conservation and introducing economic valuation and showing some examples of how to estimate the economic value and interpret the results. The presentations on Cultural Heritage & Economic valuation will bring us forward to a workshop on how to design an economic valuation study on the Danish majority church or other Nordic /British majority churches. The workshop will start by a presentation of a study design out-line. Your contribution in the workshop will enlighten the topic and bring the work forward. Day 2. Resources & Redundant Churches The resources, majority churches have at their disposal, seem to be the determining factor for how many church building are kept in service as church building and how well the church buildings are maintained. The second day of the workshop will explore the topic of redundant churches; when are they viewed as redundant, what happens to the church buildings and to the cultural heritage.
Periode8 sep. 20169 sep. 2016
PlaceringFrederiksberg, DanmarkVis på kort