Centre for Communication and Computing (CCC) (Organisation)

  • Julie Sommerlund (Formand)

Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typerMedlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn


The Centre for Communication and Computing (CCC) is dedicated to exploring the nexus between computing and human communication. The purpose of the centre is to facilitate collaboration among researchers from different scientific fields who share a common interest in the study, design and creative uses of information technologies in order to enhance the ways that people communicate and collaborate in their work, social and everyday lives. The centre aims to address important societal challenges such as enhancing health care and improving education through interdisciplinary research and innovation.

The steering committee decides the long term strategy of the centre. Furthermore, it assists the head of centre in planning, undertaking and evaluating activities.

Body type: Styregruppe
Periode1 sep. 2016 → …
Grad af anerkendelseLokal