Brexit: the known unknowns

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag


Join us at the Centre for European Politics, University of Copenhagen, on Monday 20th June for a focused debate on the eve of a referendum that is potentially the most significant in European history.

The event features steered discussions, led by a series of academic experts (from KU, RUC, CBS and ThinkTank Europa) who will provide information and analysis on some of the most important details of the Brexit debate.

All are welcome. The event will be particularly appropriate for journalists, students and policy practitioners, and questions will be invited from the floor and in advance via the facebook group.

The schedule is as follows:

14.00: Coffee and introductions
14.15: The treasury report and the economics of Brexit (Ian Manners and Holly Snaith)
14.45: The vote leave campaign and impact on the Conservative party (Ben Rosamond and Eddie Ashbee)
15.15: Break
15.30: What lessons does the UK have for Denmark? (Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Peter Nedergaard)
16.00: What are the consequences for the EU? (Mads Dagnis Jensen and Maja Kluger Rasmussen).
16.30: Close

Location: Political Science Lunchroom/Frokoststuen, Building 4, Øster Farimagsgade 5
Periode5 jun. 2016
Sted for afholdelseUnknown external organisation