Blinde vinkler: Billeder af kolonien Dansk Vestindien / Blind Spots: Images of the Danish West Indies Colony

Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyperAndet (priser, ekstern undervisning samt andet). - Andet


Exhibition curator with Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer and Sarah Giersing

Co-curator for the exhibition "Blinde vinkler: Billeder af with Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer and Sarah Giersing at the The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark
Periode19 maj 20171 feb. 2018
Sted for afholdelseDet Kongelige Bibliotek, Danmark


  • udstilling
  • exhibition
  • Danish West Indies
  • Dansk Vestindien
  • Caribbean
  • Caribien
  • historiography
  • art
  • art history
  • visual culture