title = "“Stolpersteine{"} and the Construction of Past and Nation",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Stolpersteine, Kulturel erindring, {\AE}stetik, Ritualteori, Ceremoni, Romersk religion, Mario Perniola",
author = "Lars {\"O}stman",
note = "Forel{\ae}sning holdt til konferencen: Spatialising Practises. Landscapes, Mindscapes, Socioscapes. Towards a Redescriptive Companion to Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Loutraki, Gr{\ae}kenland, 23.-27.juni 2013. Arrangeret af: Department of Biblical & Ancient Studies, University of South Africa.",
year = "2013",
month = jun,
day = "26",
language = "English",