Schur multipliers and spherical functions on homogeneous trees

Uffe Haagerup, Troels Steenstrup, Ryszard Szwarc

13 Citations (Scopus)


Let X be a homogeneous tree of degree q + 1 (2 ≤ q ≤ ∞) and let ψ : X × X → ℂ be a function for which ψ(x, y) only depends on the distance between x, y ∈ X. Our main result gives a necessary and sufficient condition for such a function to be a Schur multiplier on X × X. Moreover, we find a closed expression for the Schur norm ∥ψ∥S of ψ. As applications, we obtaina closed expression for the completely bounded Fourier multiplier norm ∥·∥M0A(G) of the radial functions on the free (non-abelian) group double-struck F signN on N generators (2 ≤ N ≤ ∞) and of the spherical functions on the q-adic group PGL 2(ℚq) for every prime number q.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1337
JournalInternational Journal of Mathematics
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


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