New theropod, thyreophoran, and small sauropod tracks from the Middle Jurassic Bagå Formation, Bornholm, Denmark

Jesper Milàn

7 Citations (Scopus)


Three new dinosaur tracks are described from the Middle Jurassic Bagå Formation of Bornholm, Denmark. The tracks are all preserved as natural casts on the underside of fluvial sandstone blocks originating from the old Hasle Klinkefabrik's clay pit, now called Pyritsøen. The new tracks are from a medium-sized theropod, a thyreophoran, and a small sauropod. Together with a thyreophoran track and large sauropod tracks described in 2005, the Middle Jurassic dinosaur fauna of Bornholm now comprises theropods, two sizes of sauropods and at least one type of thyreophoran dinosaur. This is important additional data for the very scarce Middle Jurassic dinosaurian skeletal record of Europe.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Pages (from-to)51-59
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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