Når fårene forlader flokken: En religionssociologisk analyse af udmeldelser fra folkekirken

Peter Lüchau


    Membership of the Danish National Church has declined steadily but has not until now been the subject of sociological analysis. Using data from gov-ernmental databases housed at Statistics Denmark the article analyze individuals who disaffiliated from the Danish National Church from 2003 to 2007. Secularization the-ory is used as the starting point for the analysis. Individuals who disaffiliated were generally younger, more affluent, more educated, more urbanized and more often liv-ing with non-members than the rest of the population. Age differences between the disaffiliated and the rest of the population suggested that disaffiliation was the result of a life-cycle effect rather than a generational effect. It was also shown that non-members tended not to baptize their children while members did. Therefore it must be concluded that the declining membership of the Danish National Church is the result of a general societal development.

    Original languageDanish
    JournalReligionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift
    Issue number61
    Pages (from-to)89-106
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


    • Faculty of Social Sciences

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