title = "Introduction to the New Edition of Niels Ege's 1993 Translation of Rasmus Rask's Prize Essay of 1818: Editor's introduction",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Sprogvidenskabens historie, Indoeurop{\ae}istik",
author = "Frans Gregersen",
note = "Indledningen er offentliggjort p{\aa} H-Prints",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-90-272-0881-1",
series = "Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics",
publisher = "John Benjamins Publishing Company",
pages = "7--42",
editor = "Koerner, {Ernst Frideryk Konrad}",
booktitle = "Investigation of the Origin of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language by Rasmus Rask",
address = "Netherlands",