title = "Intercomparison between SEVIRI LST-products and comparison with in situ LST measurements",
author = "Rasmussen, {Mads Olander} and Frank G{\"o}ttsche and Folke Olesen and Eric Mougin and Franck Timouk and Inge Sandholt",
note = "http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/lsasaf/presentations.html http://landsaf.meteo.pt/workshops.jsp K{\ae}re Mads Olander Rasmussen, Du st{\aa}r som forfatter til flg. Konferenceartikel: Intercomparison between SEVIRI LST-products and comparison with in situ LST measurements . Land Saf, Toulouse, November 2010 Vi har dog ikke v{\ae}ret I stand til at validere den, har du yderligere oplysninger du kan bidrage med. Mvh Lene Wendelboe ; land surface ; Conference date: 15-11-2010 Through 17-11-2010",
year = "2010",
language = "English",