Esegesi testuale e polemica religiosa in Etiopia: il Versetto della Luce nell'"Anqasa Amin" e nella "Silloge" di šah Zäkkareyas

Translated title of the contribution: Textual exgesis and religious polemics in Ethiopia: the Verse of the Light in the "Anqasa Amin" and in šah Zäkkareyas' "Sylloges"
Translated title of the contributionTextual exgesis and religious polemics in Ethiopia: the Verse of the Light in the "Anqasa Amin" and in šah Zäkkareyas' "Sylloges"
Original languageItalian
JournalIstituto Universitario Orientale. Annali
Pages (from-to)353-374
Publication statusPublished - 1993

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